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What Is an IPL Photofacial?
Treatment Guides

What Is an IPL Photofacial?


What is a Photofacial?

A photofacial, also known as an IPL photofacial, is a treatment using intense pulsed light (IPL). During an IPL photofacial, a light-emitting device is used to target specific skin concerns or to deliver facial rejuvenation. This professional treatment can help reduce the signs of sun damage, minimise rosacea/ hyperpigmentation and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


How does it work?

The IPL device is designed to activate the skin’s natural healing processes without harming delicate dermal tissue. The pulses of light emitted by the device are absorbed by the melanin (pigment) creating heat. This heat emulates a superficial injury without causing damage. As your skin attempts to repair itself, it will shed its dull, damaged outer layer and form vibrant, plump new skin. During this process, collagen and elastin are also produced compensating for some of the effects of age-related collagen loss. The light emitted during IPL therapy also breaks down the dark pigment inside age spots and freckles, creating a more even skin colour.

photofacial before and after


What are the benefits of an IPL Photofacial?

Treat and repair sun damaged skin
Treat and diminish age spots
Stimulate and help produce more collagen
Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
Reduce veins and capillaries
Prevent premature skin ageing


What does an IPL Photofacial treat?

  1. A photofacial is one of the best ways to treat sun-damaged skin. As we get older, most of the changes in our skin conditions are a direct result of exposure to UV radiation. This is because sunlight breaks down the collagen in our skin making it weaker and more susceptible to wrinkling and sagging. Sun damage also causes dark age spots to form on highly exposed areas like our hands and face and it also gives our skin a lined, weathered look. The IPL photofacial fights the effects of UV damage by penetrating the skin and drawing out discoloured cells that have formed deep in the dermis. By dissolving these cells, intense pulsed light gets rid of dark age spots and excessive freckling to restore an even, youthful complexion. After this stage the skin begins to regenerate a significant amount of new collagen. As a result of this healing process, the skin becomes stronger and more supple and so wrinkles and fine lines will be reduced.
  2. Intense pulsed light is an excellent way to eliminate visible veins and capillaries. An IPL photofacial is one of the best treatments available to treat visible blood vessels. The IPL will dissolve broken capillaries and spider veins for a more even, youthful complexion. This procedure is also ideal for treating conditions like rosacea.
  3. Having regular photofacials can prevent premature skin ageing. Many studies show that intense pulsed light can prevent (and not just treat) many of the superficial signs of ageing.
  4. Photorejuvenation can be performed on multiple areas of the body. Although an IPL photofacial is most frequently used for facial rejuvenation, if you have signs of sun damage, or broken capillaries or thread veins on other parts of your body, such as the neck, upper chest, shoulders, hands, arms and legs, then treating them with intense pulsed light may give you a more even youthful look.
  5. IPL treatment offers deep rejuvenation with very little downtime. The IPL photofacial is powerful enough to access the deeper layers of the dermis but gentle enough that it won’t cause excessive swelling, redness, or lasting irritation.


What to expect during a Photofacial

Most IPL treatments usually take about 30 minutes to complete. Some clients experience mild discomfort during the treatment- similar to being popped with a rubber band. Four to five of these quick treatments spaced one month apart give fantastic results for most people.

photofacial before and after


What to do after a Photofacial

To make the most of an IPL photofacial it’s essential that you avoid sun exposure, especially in the weeks before and following an IPL treatment. Also remember that all skin resurfacing procedures make the skin temporarily more sensitive to UV radiation, so applying a SPF 50 sunscreen is a must.

If you are interested in finding out more about IPL Photofacials or to see if they would be suitable for you, book in now for a complimentary consultation with one of experts at thespaCLINIC, Harrogate. Call us on 01423590810.